Welcome to Selfmadesns.com blog. We’re dedicated to giving you the very best in financial literacy, with a focus on business, credit, and much more. My background includes a degree in business administration, a minor in accounting, a certificate in business management, as well as a certified as a financial planner. My education in the financial field is still going as well as I’m going to get certified as a CFA. I’m also a realtor as well. I have worked for many successful businesses and individuals as a CFP. I also run multiple successful businesses in retail and real estate. I have run my own very diverse portfolio of investments. I’m really into long term investments and passive income.
When we started this blog in 11,1,2022 my passion for financial literacy drove me to create this blog. Now I will be serving visitors all over world looking for information on financial literacy and are thrilled to share my passion with each and every one of you all.
I hope you enjoy the passion and everything I have to share with you. If you have any questions or comments, please contact me using the site contact page please. Enjoy everything the site has to offer my friends!